The Hewwiexa Late Roman tombs were
excavated by the Niexxiegha Kulturali under the supervision of archaeologist
Ernest Vella from 1996 to 1999. Although the tombs are Roman, it
seems that a Punic community already existed in this area.
The Hewwiexa Late Roman tombs consists of three rock cut-tombs,
a rock-cut quarry (found commonly in Maltese fields) and curt-ruts
that leads to the tombs. It is a probability that the digging
of this small quarry destroyed part of the tombs complex. All
the three tombs had a small rock that served as a cushion for
the head of the dead person. The three tombs were made to bury
two persons. Unfortunately, one of them has only the floor. The
others have a rectangular entrance hatch in the façade,
and on them there are a number of excavated small shelves on the
façade rock, where probably a number of clay lamps were
put there. 1
During the first part of the excavation all the rubble and soil
was elevated. During the excavation of the quarry a second tomb
was found, but unfortunately only the floor exists. Between this
tomb and the first tomb there is a large pit, where probably there
were other tombs. Later a third tomb was found under a steep slope
made up of rubble and soil. Under the soil and rubble were found
a number of pottery shreds of different periods. The oldest ones
were dated to the Punic Period. 2
But the others seem that are more modern. So, it is a probability
that they were put there in more modern times. The Punic pottery
shreds were from plates, amphorae and other recipients that are
associated with tombs of this period. But the most interesting
thing is that some of the found pottery fragments seem that did
not form part of the mentioned items. So, they probably formed
part of other clay items that are being examined by the Archaeological
Museum. 3
1 Ernest Vella., “Il-Wirt arkeologiku tal-qedem”, Joseph
Catania (ed), Il-Mellieha: Mal-milja taz-zmien, Mellieha Local Council,
Malta, 2002, p 35.
2 Ibid, pp 35-36
3 Ibid, p 36
Researched and Written by: Charles
Debono B.A.(Hons) History